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Human Migration?

I decided to go down the path of human migration.

I began by looking into why people migrate within the city; from common knowledge I know that people travel around for predominately two reasons- for work or for leisure. If I look into people travelling for work this leads me on to think about when they travel to work, for example ‘peak times’, people migrate to work during peak times via walking, train, car, bus, bicycle etc. We can also take into account human migration from city to city via modes of transport including planes, so people migrate within and out of cities.




Migration Mind Map

Today I thought that I should look more in depth into what I would actually like to look at within the migration theme that I chose. I decided to do a quick mind-map of ideas-



I think that I will look into people migrating in the city, how/why they migrate.

Idea Development – Final piece 1- Collage

I have to start thinking now of my final pieces, I would like to do both using different mediums, paint and collage.

For my first final piece I would like to use collage. I still quiet like the idea I had back near the beginning of the project, looking at insect development; how they were in prehistoric times and how they have developed through time up til now. From my own knowledge and research, I believe that insects are the animal that develops most throughout time, they change size, shape,colour. Insects are among the oldest creatures on the planet, and will probably be the last things on the planet!

I would like to create new insects for my final piece, futuristic new insects. I will collage the new insects out of different parts of insects, like hybrid insects.


I decided to look into artists who work within cities.

I discovered Slinkachu, he is a artist who created the ‘Little People Project’ started in 2006. It involves the remodelling and painting of miniature model train set characters, which he then places, photographs and leaves on the street.

It is both a street art installation project and a photography project. The street-based side of his work plays with the notion of surprise and he aims to encourage city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings.

His work represents how we abuse our surroundings within the city, he focuses on littering, our human effect on animals and wildlife, violence, murder, suicides, and the effect of activities within cities have on children.

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Martin Wittfooth

This is a painting by Martin Wittfooth that really caught my eye, it is called Forest Clearing. It is a hybrid of a deer and bear. I like it because it is painted realistically.



I decided to compare where I live (a village called Congresbury) to the nearest city to me (Bristol) which is aprox 15 miles away.

Bristol has a population of about 428,100 (2011). Congresbury has a population of about  3,497. You can see that there is a big population difference in only a 15 mile distance.

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Bristol is bustling, always busy, packed with people, never sleeping. Comparing to Congresbury which is not busy, quiet, sleepy village.

The bottom two photos I took of the centers of both places.  I can see that the center of Bristol is dominated by buildings, its modern with all the lightings, water features and buildings- contrasting to Congresbrury which is more green with plants, fields, trees and animals, very little buildings and modern influences.

Where I Live

I started by researching about my village, I noticed from photographs now it really hasn’t changed that much, through layout and buildings, here are two photos of the same street-



1950 2009

The top photograph is from the 1940’s and the bottom photo is from 2004. You can see that the village has not particularly changed! The buildings are pretty much the same, in the same places. Even the signs are still the same.

Real hybrid animals

After doing some research, I found that there are some genuine, REAL animal hybrids in the world today!

  • Mule, a cross of female horse and a male donkey
  • Hinny  a cross between a female donkey and a male horse. Mule and hinny are examples of reciprocal hybrids
  • Zeedonk or Zonkey, a zebra/donkey cross.
  • Zorse, a zebra/horse cross
  • Zony or Zetland, a zebra/pony cross
  • Beefalo, a cross of an American Bison and a domestic cow.
  • Ursid hybrids such as the grizzly polar bear hybrid occur between black bears, brown bears, and polar bears.
  • Savannah cats are the hybrid cross between an African serval cats and a domestic cat
  • Hybrids between black and white rhinoceroses have been recognized.
  • Cama, a cross between a camel and a llama.
  • Wholphin,  a fertile but very rare cross between a killer whale and a bottlenose dolphin.

Starting The Project

With a brief as open as this, it’s important to go down the correct route. This means I need to do a lot of research. We have 3 weeks worth of research, which is great and I cannot wait to behin, but where should I start? Tutors have advised me to look beyond what you can just see and look into things with more depth, not just what you can see but think of the why/where/who/what.

To help you in your research, we have created a series of “themes” :

Migration – people/ideas/material/industrial

Power/technology – religion/politics/sustainability

The hidden city – the multiple guises or layers of city life

 – Stay true to these themes, but above all observe! research! and gather information

We have been asked to chose one of these themes to base our extensive research on and create a ‘Petcha Kucha’ presentation on our findings in front of the class. I have decided to look into the theme of migration as I can see myself studying people in the city.


Lion and Tiger hybrid

Todau I have got inspiration from Jaume Montserrat’s paintings, in particular the Leopard and Tiger hybrid due to the realism that it could happen in the future! I wanted to create my own realistic future big cat by splicing together a lion and a tiger-
