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Final Piece

So this is my final piece outcome. I really like this piece as it sends a strong message, the rubbish is making the deer look un-regal and it isnt natural. You feel sorry for the deer, it is only an innocent animal and we are destroying its beauty because it is having to migrate into cities as we expend into its environment. Making the rubbish out of real pictures of the rubbish connotes that this is REAL this is a REAL this that is happening in the world today.


Final piece idea

So now I have to think about what my final piece will be for my project. I know that I definitely would like to use mixed media like I have been doing, and I would like to bring humor into the work as well as a strong message.

I think that I would like to use a stag in my final piece, this is because they are such a great, regal animal and are being disturbed and taken over by cities. Deer are having to migrate into cities as cites expend into their natural habitat. Going back to when I took the photos of the deer which live near the city center.  I would also like to use the idea from Martin Wittfooth of combining the animal with the man made features. I think that putting rubbish on the deers antlers will symbolize the problems animals are having.

Fox reading the newspaper

I wanted to make my works give more of a message. I think the animals once migrated into the city, if they spend long enough in the city environment, they get affected by the city. The city manipulating the animals minds, making them more and more urban, even slowly developing more human. This fox has rummaged through bins like foxes do nowadays in the city to find food because they do not have to go out hunting anymore, but it has developed further to the fox reading the newspaper…


Duck in a puddle

Today I painted a duck swimming in a puddle. I like the humor of it, the duck should be swimming in a river or lake, but in the urban environment that it is in, it is swimming in a small rain puddle. The puddle is dirty and surrounded by rubbish, it is quite a contrast having the greens of the duck against the browns of the water and the rubbish around; showing the beauty of the duck against the man made trash.
